Almond suger coated
Roasted and sugar syrup coated almonds, broken pieces, white colour, sweet and roasted taste, free flowing pieces

Choco Meringue White
White chocolate coated meringue pieces, crushed shape, white colour, sweet milky taste, free flowing pieces

Choco-Crisp-Mix Mezzo Tricolore
Extruded and chocolate coated rice crisps mix, round shaped, white, brown and darkbrown colour, sweet chocolate taste, free flowing little balls

Choco Crisp Mix Piccolo Caramel
Extruded and milk chocolate coated rice crisps, round shaped, brown colour, sweet caramel taste, free flowing balls

Choco Crisp Medium White
Extruded and white chocolate coated rice crisps, round shaped, white colour, sweet milky taste, free flowing little balls

Choco Crisp Medium Dark
Extruded and dark chocolate coated rice crisps, round shaped, darkbraun colour, sweet bitter taste, free flowing little balls

Choco crisp star milk
Extruded and milk chocolate coated rice stars, brown colour, sweet chocolate taste, free flowing stars

Choco Crisp Mezzo Blond
Extruded and blond chocolate coated rice crisps, round shaped, golden colour, caramel taste, free flowing balls
Discover all the ways you can use our chocolate-coated hard caramel or croquant slivers. Nicely preserved in Swiss chocolate, they are used as decoration, for example on waffle cornets or other ice cream creations. Larger ingredients, such a candied fruit, nuts, meringue or biscuit chips coated in our fine couvertures are sold as snacks and sweeten up people’s breaks and give your customers a new boost of energy.
Chocolate-covered rice or wheat crisps, along with roasted and chocolate-covered nut slivers are popular additives to ice-cream, biscuit, muesli, yoghurt or chocolate products. Our chocolate-coated products can also be used for unique decoration to any finished product. We have refined a wide range of extrudates with lecithin-free chocolate couvertures made in our own plant since 1988. By spraying the liquid chocolate and simultaneously turning the coating drum, the raw material slowly receives an even coating.